NEXIQ Technologies

Rochester Hills, MI 48309


About NEXIQ Technologies


2950 Waterview Dr
Rochester Hills, MI 48309

More Info on NEXIQ Technologies

Provider of diagnostic and telematics products, solutions and services for the automotive and commercial vehicle industries.

Products & Press Releases

Photo from NEXIQ Technologies
Blue-Link 2 from NEXIQ Technologies
Diagnostic Test Equipment

Blue-Link 2

July 17, 2023
The Blue-Link 2 from NEXIQ Technologies is a convenient and easy-to-use mobile vehicle interface that enables users to seamlessly communicate with heavy duty vehicles for quick...
Nexiq Technologies Usb Link 3
Diagnostic Test Equipment

USB-Link 3

Oct. 12, 2022
The USB-Link 3 from NEXIQ Technologies is a VCI that has the ability for OEM dealers and large and small fleet repair technicians to seamlessly connect to a vehicle via USB cable...
Scan tools and Scan tool accessories

Pocket HD School Bus Kit

April 30, 2019
The NEXIQ Technologies Pocket HD School Bus Kit has everything needed to manage school bus fleets with Cummins engines. In addition to the Pocket HD scan tool, the kit comes with...
Diagnostics and Drivability

NEXIQ school bus kit designed for fleets with Cummins engines

April 30, 2019
The Pocket HD School Bus Kit includes a scan tool, software suite, and adapters.
Nexiq Pocket Hd Cd Pocket Hd Software Suite Rgb 5b058f15b21bc
Scan tools and Scan tool accessories

Pocket HD Handheld Scan Tool

Aug. 14, 2018
The NEXIQ Pocket HD handheld scan tool comes preloaded with two NEXIQ software applications: LMT 2016 (for light and medium duty trucks) and the Heavy Duty Standard & OBD II Suite...
Nexiq Pocket Hd Cd Pocket Hd Software Suite Rgb
Diagnostics and Drivability

Nexiq releases heavy duty handheld scan tool

May 23, 2018
The Pocket HD comes preloaded with two software applications for light, medium and heavy duty trucks.
Aftertreatment Service Kit
Specialty Tools

Aftertreatment Service Kit

Nov. 16, 2017
The NEXIQ Technologies Aftertreatment Service Kit is designed to remove particulates and soot from the filter in a heavy duty diesel's Diesel Oxidation Catalyst. The kit includes...
Nexiq Pic 59245251e47d6
Service Repair

NEXIQ Blue-Link Mini and First-Link join forces to diagnose vehicle health

May 23, 2017
The NEXIQ mobile app communicates wirelessly with commercial motor vehicles. Drivers can use the app on their smartphones to understand the cause of a 'check engine light' while...
Nexiq Usb Link 2 Bluetooth Edition Vehicle Interface 58f53580dd4af
Scan tools and Scan tool accessories

USB-Link 2 vehicle interface, No. 124032

April 17, 2017
The NEXIQ USB-Link 2 (Bluetooth Edition) vehicle interface, No. 124032, is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. It includes an Apple CoProcessor and supports the iAP2...
Nexiq Blue Link Mini 58f7cb071de5c
Scan tools and Scan tool accessories

Blue-Link Mini

April 17, 2017
The NEXIQ Blue-Link Mini enables users to employ either iOS or Android smartphone or tablet devices to communicate with commercial motor vehicles for quick access to vehicle information...

Articles & News

Photo 194172408 © Albertshakirov |
scan tool
Diagnostics and Drivability

Top 10 diagnostic products: Q3 2023

Oct. 6, 2023
Is your shop looking to upgrade its diagnostic tools and equipment? Check out the most clicked-on diagnostic tools on from the third quarter.
Nexiq Usb Link 2 Bluetooth Edition Vehicle Interface 58f53580dd4af
Tool Reviews

Tool Review: Nexiq USB Link 2 (Bluetooth Edition)

April 10, 2020
The reviewer is impressed with the versatility offered by this device’s Bluetooth connectivity and its ability to work with most OEMs.

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All content from NEXIQ Technologies

NEXIQ CAN 3 CAN 1 Crossover Cable 57b237f509c33
Scan tools and Scan tool accessories

CAN 3 – CAN 1 Crossover Cable

Aug. 9, 2016
The NEXIQ Technologies CAN 3 – CAN 1 Crossover Cable is designed for use on 2016 vehicles, including Peterbilt,Kenworth and Volvos with Cummins engines. The product provides the...
NEXIQ eTechnician 57b238585da81
Shop Management and Point of Sale

eTechnician Software Combo

Aug. 9, 2016
The NEXIQ Technologies eTechnician Software Combo includes two PC-based diagnostic software applications, eTechnician Heavy Duty Standard (HDS) and eTechnician Light and Medium...
sTechnician NEXIQ RGB 5790d929a8d29
Service Repair

NEXIQ Technologies unveils eTechnician software combo

July 21, 2016
NEXIQ Technologies announces the release of eTechnician, which now includes two PC-based software applications— eTechnician Heavy Duty Standard (HDS) and eTechnician Light and...
eTechnician HD 559456e8e7ce3
Shop Management and Point of Sale

eTechnician HD

June 23, 2015
The NEXIQ eTechnician HD is a PC-based software application that provides service bay technicians with the ability to perform diagnostics on most heavy-duty electronically controlled...
NEXIQ Universal J560 PLC Adapter 54ff594c62f5c
Scan tools and Scan tool accessories

Universal J560 PLC Adapter

March 2, 2015
The NEXIQ Technologies Universal J560 PLC Adapter extracts data from the power line and converts it to the J1708 protocol, and it's designed to work with virtually any OEM heavy...
NEXIQ 54f47c2d876ac
Diagnostics and Drivability

NEXIQ Technologies offers universal J560 PLC adapter

March 2, 2015
Designed to work with virtually any OEM heavy duty vehicle communication interface or scan tool, the Universal J560 PLC Adapter extracts data from the power line and converts ...
Nexiq Usb Link 2 Bluetooth Edition Vehicle Interface 58f7cb387f989
Scan tools and Scan tool accessories

USB-Link 2

Jan. 5, 2015
The NEXIQ Technologies USB-Link 2 vehicle interface adapter has more memory and more speed than its predecessor, is designed to be both dependable and rugged, and is five times...
NEXIQ adapter 54aaa12d9aa5a
Service Repair

NEXIQ Technologies releases next generation vehicle interface adapter

Jan. 5, 2015
According to the company, the USB-Link 2 has more memory and more speed than its predecessor. Designed to be both dependable and rugged, the USB-Link 2 is five times faster and...
OBD II Adapter Cable, No. 442023
Repair Information Sources

OBD II Adapter Cable, No. 442023

May 7, 2013
NEXIQ's OBD II adapter cable, No. 442023, interfaces with US 2013 Volvo Trucks with Volvo engines. THis tool enhances diagnostics by allowing technicians can now use either the...
Diagnostics and Drivability

Nexiq announces upgrade to Navistar Maxxforce software application

Jan. 14, 2013
Enhanced diagnostic software application for MaxxForce engines.
Pro-Link iQ and Pocket iQ diagnostic platforms
Repair Information Sources

Pro-Link iQ and Pocket iQ diagnostic platforms

Jan. 4, 2013
NEXIQ Technologies' ProLink iQ and Pocket iQ diagnostic platforms, a family of anti-lock brake system (ABS) diagnostic software applications, provide brake coverage for a wide...
Navistarr Pocketmaxxblue 0 10748046
Scan tools and Scan tool accessories

PocketMaxx fleet scan tool kit Nos. PN NQ692002B and PN NQ692002Y

July 26, 2012
The Nexiq PocketMaxx fleet scan tool kit, Nos. PN NQ692002B and PN NQ692002Y, provide fleets with the ability to monitor all fleet-level engine signals; view/change fleet-level...
Ddecvisoftwareapplication 10130829
Repair Information Sources

DDEC VI software application

Sept. 3, 2009
NEXIQ Technologies™ is developing the DDEC VI software application, which will run on the company's Pro-Link iQ™. This application provides diagnostic capability for DDEC VI electronic...
Wirelessvehiclelink2 10130827
Shop Management and Point of Sale

Wireless Vehicle Link 2

Sept. 3, 2009
NEXIQ Technologies™, a Snap-on Inc. brand, is developing a new, high-tech wireless vehicle adapter, WVL2™, for heavy-duty truck service bay technicians that will be available ...
Navpak 10130198
Shop Management and Point of Sale


Nov. 4, 2008
NEXIQ Technologies, a brand of Snap-on Equipment Solutions, and a leader in diagnostic solutions and services for the commercial-vehicle industry, announced the release of a new...
Detroitdieseldiagnosticsoftware 10124176
Repair Information Sources

Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Software

June 25, 2007
New Detroit Diesel application software has been introduced by NEXIQ/MPSI for the MPC and Pro-Link Plus. The new application allows the technicians to reprogram and diagnose Detroit...
Usblink 10127189
Shop Management and Point of Sale


June 25, 2007
NEXIQ Technologies' new, wireless vehicle-interface product USB-Link™ streamline and simplify the entire heavy-duty diagnostic process for engines, transmissions, anti-lock braking...
Prolinkgraphiq 10126236
Repair Information Sources


June 25, 2007
Diagnostics for heavy-duty truck engines and systems has advanced with the arrival of the Pro-Link GRAPHIQ™ system,. Introduced by NEXIQ Technologies, a Snap-on Incorporated brand...
Wirelessvehiclelink 10126059
Repair Information Sources

Wireless Vehicle Link™

June 25, 2007
Wireless Vehicle Link™ from NEXIQ Technologies is the first product in the industry to use a wireless connection to tap into diagnostic vehicle information and troubleshoot a ...
Brakelink 10126023
Shop Management and Point of Sale


June 25, 2007
Computers, etc. Nexiq's Brake-Link simplifies and expedites the brake troubleshooting process for trailer technicians on all major trailer ABS systems and Power Line Carriers ...
Etechnicianservice 10124370
Shop Management and Point of Sale

eTechnician Service

June 25, 2007
NEXIQ Technologies offers eTechnician service, a wireless maintenance, diagnostic, and vehicle connectivity telematics system for commercial vehicles. Increased vehicle uptime...
Plctoj1708converter 10124185
Shop Management and Point of Sale

PLC to J1708 Converter

June 25, 2007
New Part Number is 602020MPSI / NEXIQ is pleased to announce the new PLC to J1708 Converter (Part Number: 121041). This PLC4Trucks converter will allow a Pro- Link to communicate...