Power Probe Group, Inc.

Charlotte, NC 28216


About Power Probe Group, Inc.


6509 Northpark Blvd
Suite 400
Charlotte, NC 28216

More Info on Power Probe Group, Inc.

Power Probe innovates automotive electrical tools that speeds up the diagnosing process. Their mission is to provide the auto repair technicians with knowledge and tools that will enable them to best serve their customers

Products & Press Releases

Photo courtesy of Power Probe
Diagnostic Test Equipment

DM300AUTO Automotive Test Meter

March 3, 2025
The Power Probe DM300AUTO Automotive Test Meter can measure current directly up to 30A and can measure and display the current flowing through a fuse without requiring the removal...
Photo courtesy of Power Probe
Electrical System Tools & Equipment


June 11, 2024
The PPDRAW from Power Probe is designed to help technicians monitor parasitic draw and serves as a memory saver during battery replacement. The PPDRAW delivers up to 10A of continuous...
Photo courtesy of Power Probe
Diagnostic Test Equipment

INT500 Insulation Tester and Multimeter

Sept. 5, 2023
The Power Probe INT500 Insulation Tester and Multimeter allows technicians to assess the integrity of insulation in wiring and components, crucial for the safety and...
Power Probe PWM Adapter
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

PWM Adapter

Dec. 1, 2022
The Power Probe PWM Adapter allows technicians to create a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal to test components on modern vehicles. The tool connects in line with the lead probe...
Power Probe PPTAMP Amperage Adapter
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

PPTAMP Amperage Adapter

Dec. 1, 2022
The Power Probe PPTAMP Amperage Adapter allows technicians to measure current when applying power and ground to a circuit. The tool connects in line with any Power Probe PP3/PP3EZ...
PPTAMP and PPTPWM Adapters
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

PPTAMP and PPTPWM Adapters

Dec. 1, 2022
The Power Probe PPTAMP and PPTPWM Adapters are designed to cut diagnostic times and increase diagnostic accuracy. The PPTAMP allows any Power Probe circuit tester to read current...
Volt Tester, No. VT750LCD
Hybrid and EV Service and Repairs

VT750 EV Safety Voltage Tester

June 13, 2022
The Power Probe VT750 EV Safety Voltage Tester allows technicians to verify that power has been disconnected from an EV before servicing which is a critical safety test that is...
Infrared Thermometers
Inspection Tools

No Contact Infrared Thermometer, No. IRGUN500

June 13, 2022
The Power Probe No Contact Infrared Thermometer, No. IRGUN500, is designed to detect the infrared rays that an object emits. The instrument focuses the infrared energy of the ...
Specialty Tools

DM500MAX Digital Multimeter

May 16, 2022
The Power Probe DM500MAX Digital Multimeter is designed for accuracy and measurement reliability. Built for even the harshest work environments, the tool contains watertight gaskets...
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

Amp Clamp AC/DC Meter, No. PPDCM80

Oct. 5, 2021
The Power Probe Amp Clamp AC/DC Meter, No. PPDCM80, is an 80A, auto-ranging clamp meter designed for the automotive technician. The meter is rated CAT III 600V and can measure...

Articles & News

Photo 194172408 © Albertshakirov | Dreamstime.com
scan tool
Diagnostics and Drivability

Top 10 diagnostic products: Q4 2023

Jan. 4, 2024
Looking for some new diagnostic tools and equipment for the new year? Check out the most clicked-on diagnostic tools and updates on VehicleServicePros.com from the fourth quarter...
Photo courtesy of Power Probe
Power Probe PWM Adapter
Service Repair

Innovation Award Profile: Power Probe PWM Adapter

Sept. 20, 2023
Q & A with David Merendino director of sales for Power Probe and Dave Barden manager of technical training for Power Probe and the inventor of the PWM Adapter.
April Most Wanted Tools 2023
Tool Distributor

Most Wanted Tools: April 2023

The PPTAMP and PPTPWM Adapters, Super Relay Buddy Pro Kit, and POWER MIG 211i MIG Welder are some of this month's most popular tools and equipment among auto repair techs.
February Most Wanted Tools 2023
Tool Distributor

Most Wanted Tools: February 2023

The Volt Tester, Ergochair, and Super Relay Buddy are some of the popular tools and equipment among auto repair techs.
Power Probe DM500MAX
Service Repair

Up Close: Power Probe DM500MAX

Oct. 18, 2022
The DM500MAX is particularly suited to the wide variety of electrical systems found on modern vehicles – low voltage circuits, high voltage circuits, sensor and data circuits,...
Tool Distributor

In Focus: Power Probe DM500MAX

Oct. 5, 2022
The DM500MAX is particularly suited to the wide variety of electrical systems found on modern vehicles – low voltage circuits, high voltage circuits, sensor and data circuits,...
August Sneak Peek
Tool Distributor

Sneak Peek: August 2022

Some popular products from this month's sneak peek include Dura-Knit Gloves, 4" Pliers Wrench XS, Manifold Drill Template, and more.
Scan tool
Diagnostics and Drivability

Top 10 diagnostic products Q2 2022

July 6, 2022
Finding quality diagnostic tools and equipment can be tough. To help make things a bit easier, we’ve compiled a list of the most clicked on diagnostic tools and equipment for ...
Most Wanted Tools April
Tool Distributor

Most Wanted Tools: April 2022

The H15R Core Headlamp, Mechanic's Worklight, and Lumenators are some of the popular items among auto repair techs.
Photo courtesy of Clore Automotive
The Clore Automotive SOLAR Pro-Logix 12V 100A Flashing Power Supply and 60/40/10A Battery Charger, No. PL6100, is designed to provide stable power on demand, up to 100A, to a vehicle electrical system to support module reprogramming.
Tool Distributor

Running on full charge

May 12, 2020
As vehicle batteries and electrical systems continue to advance, keeping up with charging and testing equipment is a must.

Videos & Resources

The INT500: An All-New Multimeter from Power Probe
Video Network

Video: Power Probe INT500 Insulation Tester and Multimeter

Nov. 6, 2024
In this video, Power Probe goes over their INT500 Insulation Tester and Multimeter.
The Garage

2023 Great Prize Giveaway winners

The annual contest from VehicleServicePros.com, the official website of Professional Tool & Equipment News, Motor Age, and Auto Body Repair Network magazines, gave away over $...
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Video Network

Video: Innovation Award Profile: Power Probe PWM Adapter

Sept. 20, 2023
The PWM Adapter from Power Probe is one of this year’s highest-scoring Innovation Award winners. The tool allows technicians to create a pulse width modulation signal to test ...
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Product Demos

Video: Power Probe Volt Tester, No. VT750LCD

Aug. 10, 2022
In this video, Power Probe demonstrates its Volt Tester, No. VT750LCD.
DM500MAX Digital Multimeter
Video Network

Video: DM500MAX Digital Multimeter

July 13, 2022
In this video, Power Probe demonstrates the features and functionality of their DM500MAX Digital Multimeter.
No Contact Infrared Thermometer, No. IRGUN500
Video Network

Video: No Contact Infrared Thermometer, No. IRGUN500

July 7, 2022
In this video, Power Probe introduces the No Contact Infrared Thermometer, No. IRGUN500. The product is designed to detect the infrared rays that an object emits. The instrument...
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Video Network

Video: Power Probe Amp Clamp AC/DC Meter, No. PPDCM80

Oct. 5, 2021
In this video, Power Probe introduces their Amp Clamp AC/DC Meter, No. PPDCM80.
Battery and Electrical

VIDEO: Power Probe Mini Probe Socket Testers

Dec. 10, 2018
In this video, Power Probe provides an overview of the Mini Probe Socket Testers, No. TST3PK.
Power Probe 3 Ez
Battery and Electrical

VIDEO: Power Probe 3EZ Circuit Tester

Nov. 8, 2018
In this video, Power Probe provides an overview of the 3EZ Circuit Tester.
Toolbox Topics Episode 1 55e752b6e77ac
Battery and Electrical

VSP News: Toolbox Topics, Episode 1 - Power Probe IV

Sept. 2, 2015
David Barden, technical representative for Power Probe, provides valuable information on his company's line of products and an in-depth overview of the Power Probe IV.


Bjorn Blomquist of Stockholm, Sweden thinks the Power Probe Hook has a lot of sales potential.
Tool Distributor

Distributor from Sweden finds Power Probe seminar helpful

July 10, 2013
Seminar by Jaime Lazarus provides useful information on Power Probe Hook.
Dennis Conway explains the new tools he found at the Matco Tools tool show.
Tool Distributor

Rockwood, Mich. distributor finds new tools at Matco Tools tool show

April 3, 2013
Dennis Conway, a Matco Tools distributor in Rockwood, Mich., found a lot of exciting new tools at the Matco Tools show in San Diego, Calif. Interviewed by Elliot Maras, editor...

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All content from Power Probe Group, Inc.

Ppps50 W
Welding Equipment

Pro-Solder 50

Jan. 29, 2021
The Power Probe Pro-Solder 50 is a 50W rechargeable soldering iron kit that is multifunctional and reaches an operating temperature of 536 degrees F in just 10 seconds. Whether...
Ppecb Itself
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

OBD-II Breakout Box, No. PPECB

Jan. 1, 2021
The Power Probe OBD-II Breakout Box, No. PPECB, is a CAN Bus circuit tester that plugs directly into the vehicle's data link connector (DLC). It tests for any abnormalities such...

Power Probe Pro Modular Work Light, No. PPMWL1000

May 31, 2019
The Power Probe Pro Modular Work Light, No. PPMWL1000, is versatile and can be used as an underhood light, an area spotlight, or four individual work lights. The worklight can...
Jeff Buckley
Service Repair

Top 10 Tools: Jeff Buckley, My Father’s Shop

Dec. 14, 2018
This Texas-based ASE Certified Master tech and shop owner shares his top 10 tools.
Maestro Tlt
Repair Information Sources


Dec. 13, 2018
The Power Probe Tek Maestro is a diagnostic tool that is able to communicate with the Power Probe Tek App. Working in conjunction with the app, this tool allows users to either...
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Service Repair

Top 10 Tools: Mike Reynolds, Mobile Automotive Service Solutions

June 15, 2018
This Charleston, South Carolina-based mobile tech shares his top tools.
Pp3 Ez Red

Power Probe 3EZ

May 30, 2018
The Power Probe 3EZ from Power Probe Tek is a digital voltmeter similar to the company's Power Probe 3S. The 3EZ offers two upgraded features: EZ Learning, and EZ Diagnostics....
Pten Photo 58ee37b8c51fe
The Garage

Top 10 Tools: Michael Bucey, Goose's Diesel Truck Parts & Service LLC

May 12, 2017
Based in Pleasant Valley, NY, this shop owner has been in business 24 years and sells truck parts, tools and service for the medium and heavy duty diesel truck industry.
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

Power Probe 3S

March 17, 2017
The Power Probe 3S is a digital voltmeter that provides diagnostic power with the flip of a switch. This tool is designed to simplify testing of fuse boxes, verifies correct operation...
Veneable Headshot 58825c1b68ffb
The Garage

Top 10 Tools: Robert Venable, Brian Harris BMW

Feb. 13, 2017
A racing enthusiast, this Baton Rouge, La.-based technician has nearly 15 years of professional wrenching experience.
Power Probe Temperature Kit No Pptempkit 5824edfd9813f

Power Probe Temperature Kit, No. PPTEMPKIT

Nov. 8, 2016
The Power Probe TeK Temperature Kit, No. PPTEMPKIT, is a dual-zone digital thermometer with a wireless remote temperature sensor. The remote temp sensor can transmit temperature...
Power Probe Deluxe Lead Series Combo Kit 57fbdd5075ce9
Battery Service and Testing

Deluxe Lead Series Combo Kit, No. PPBC201AS

Oct. 10, 2016
The Power Probe Deluxe Lead Series Combo Kit, No. PPBC201AS, includes a Power Probe Basic unit, a 20’ power lead extension, 1’ wide by 3’ deep by 5’ high lead adapters, both large...
PPRPPIVGRN - Power Probe IV Diagnostic Circuit Tester Green
Battery and Electrical

Power Probe III and IV available in green for a limited time

Sept. 8, 2016
According to the company, they will offer the same functionality and will be the same tool, just available in green (while supplies last).
Power Probe PPKIT04 5772e3cf210ea
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

Master Combo Kit, No. PPKIT04

June 28, 2016
The Power Probe Master Combo Kit, No. PPKIT04, combines the company's Power Probe IV with the ECT3000 to troubleshoot and diagnose circuit conditions. The kit helps techs save...
Power Probe PPECT3000 circuit tracer 5739da8a3c19d

ECT3000 Intelligent Short and Open Finder

June 1, 2016
The Power Probe TeK ECT3000 Intelligent Short and Open Finder makes locating shorts and opens more accurate by showing the direction to follow and distance from the wire the user...
Gerald Tabas, technical support representative, Power Probe
Battery and Electrical

Ask the Expert: The vehicle won’t start after sitting for more than a day, but the battery tests good. What could cause this?

Feb. 27, 2016
If you have a vehicle where the battery goes dead overnight, a parasitic draw could be the culprit.
Gerald Tabas, technical support representative, Power Probe
Battery and Electrical

Ask the Expert: There is an excessive current draw when I did a parasitic draw test. Now what?

Feb. 27, 2016
If a vehicle has an excessive amount of current draw, you will need to locate the circuit that is causing it.
Power Probe Lynx PPFL103CS Flashlight 5671ae9781c69

Flashlight, Nos. PPFL103CS and PPFL101CS

Dec. 14, 2015
The Power Probe Flashlight, Nos. PPFL103CS and PPFL101CS, offers four modes activated through a tactical switch (High 800 lm, Medium 400 lm, low 40 lm and Flashing) in an IPX7...
Power Probe PowerPack Kit Black2 5671af2194498
Jump Starters

Battery Jumper Pack, Nos. PPBJP103GS and PPBJP101GS

Dec. 14, 2015
The Power Probe Battery Jumper Pack, Nos. PPBJP103GS and PPBJP101GS, offers users a combination of power storage and emergency power. This Power Pack provides hours of additional...
Power Probe PPDMM 1 5671afa3d3a12
Electrical System Tools & Equipment

CAT-IV Digital Multimeter, No. PPDMM

Dec. 14, 2015
The Power Probe CAT-IV Digital Multimeter, No. PPDMM, a hybrid-safe 600V multimeter, helps technicians make vehicle testing on and off the vehicle faster and more efficient, according...
Power Probe IV 5489ecd76f892
Tool Reviews

Tool Review: Power Probe IV

Oct. 14, 2015
The reviewer says this tool is more powerful, accurate and easy to use than the previous model.
Pp4 Black Fuel Injector 543ee28ece300 546cf5824024d 547892c07459a
Tool Distributor

In Focus: Power Probe IV

Applications include component testing on or off the vehicle, circuit and signal testing, fuel injector health testing and short/open circuit tracing.
Power Probe IV 5489ecd76f892 54a1bb1b6e077
Battery and Electrical

Power Probe IV Video

Dec. 17, 2014
A video demonstration of the Power Probe IV.
Power Probe IV 5489ecd76f892

Power Probe IV

Dec. 5, 2014
The Power Probe IV activates components with battery power and ground for quick functional testing. The large, bright color-LCD screen allows for easy visibility for eight diagnostic...
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Service Repair

Still busy after all these years

July 21, 2014
Success is born of experience, resourcefulness and a loyal staff.
Lede 10147665

Shop Profile: Hartland Service

July 21, 2014
Mike Kusch has owned Hartland Service in Hartland, Wis., since 1992. He and his brother, Mark, who also works at the shop, both got started at their dad's shop in Milwaukee; that...
The Power Probe Hook calculates the Ohms resistance while applying power to the circuit. For information on this tool, go to: VehicleServicePros.com/10727921
Service Repair

Tool Briefing - Air suspension issue: a common sense approach

May 2, 2014
With the right tools, an informed tech can easily fix a 2000 Ford Expedition air suspension failure.
Alex Portillo using a Power Probe Hook on a 2005 Audi A4 fuel pump.
Tool Reviews

Tool Review: Power Probe Hook

Sept. 6, 2013
Tool's ability to measure amperage and adjust voltage top list.
Bill Jaynes rings up a sale using a customer's credit card.
Tool Distributor

Turnaround in Central Florida

Sept. 3, 2013
A support network helps Mac Tools distributor come back swinging.
Penetrator High Performance tip
Repair Information Sources

Penetrator High Performance tip

Aug. 23, 2013
The Penetrator High Performance tip from Power Probe comes designed to stay sharp longer than any other probe tip on the market, according to the company. It will provide highly...
Jaime Lazarus demonstrates the capabilities of Power Probe tools during the ISN show in Orlando, Fla.
Tool Distributor

Jaime Lazarus demonstrates Power Probe products at ISN Tool Dealer Expo

July 10, 2013
Attendees cite Power Probe III as most frequently sold Power Probe product.
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Battery and Electrical

ISN 2013: The Hook by Power Probe product demo

July 2, 2013
Watch a video demonstration of Power Probe's The Hook circuit tester.
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Wrenchin Roger tests tools for the A/C season

July 1, 2013
Get a look at different tools used for A/C service and repair, including Cliplight, UView and Power Probe products.

VehicleServicePros.com webinar on air/fuel sensors draws large audience

May 24, 2013
Automotive instructor Dave Heinzen notes many vehicles are now using air/fuel sensors.
Chad Nelson appreciates the patented anti-vibe technology on the Mac Tools anti-vibe hammers.
The Garage

Top 10 Tools: Chad Nelson, Chad's Automotive

May 2, 2013
Independent repair shop focuses on race cars and provides general repair service.
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Battery and Electrical

Power Probe Video Demonstration

May 2, 2013
A video demonstration of the Power Probe at the ISN show. Contact the tip to the circuit. If it's red, it's positive, green means negative. No indication is an open circuit.

Featured in Professional Tool & Equipment News: What to do when an engine overheats

April 15, 2013
The right tools and techniques help find bad water pumps, head gaskets and more.
A portable emissions analyzer from EMS can be used to test for head gasket leaks. Head gasket leaks can be checked this way on any vehicle. For more information on this product please check out vehicleservicepros.com/10097468

Engine overheating? How to keep your cool

April 5, 2013
The right tools and techniques help you find bad water pumps, head gaskets and more.
Dave Lang uses the Automotive Test Solutions Escope Pro 8-channel, twin-time-base labscope to view electrical circuits quickly in the cars that come into his shop nowadays.

Top 10 Tools: David Lang, Independent Vehicle Service Inc.

April 5, 2013
The bulk of the company's revenue comes from brake repair, clutch repair, maintenance services and alignments.
Tool Distributor

Podcast: Michigan distributor finds new tools at Matco Tools show in San Diego, Calif.

April 3, 2013
Distributor notes new hydraulic press for bushings and bearings among innovations on show floor.
Scott Bradshaw of CV Automotive
The Garage

Top Ten Tools: CV Automotive in Thousand Palms, CA

March 5, 2013
Scott Bradshaw of CV Automotive lets readers know which tools help his business operate the most.
Fig. 3: You can watch how to diagnose a head gasket leak with an emissions analyzer by going to VehicleServicePros.com/10765181

Tool Q&A: How To Find Tough Leaks

Dec. 7, 2012
Find those tough to spot leaks with smoke machines, scan tools, emissions analyzers and more.
The technician uses the Launch GDS web browser to access GM GlobalConnect (subscription needed), where he researches the technical service bulletin. For more information on this product, go to www.vehicleservicepros.com/10363164.
Diagnostics and Drivability

Real world EVAP: How to diagnose a P0455 code

Dec. 7, 2012
Can’t find the smoke? Don’t assume there’s no 'fire.'
Mastercombokitno 10106957

Master Combo Kit, No. PPKIT03

Nov. 26, 2012
Power Probe's Master Combo Kit, No. PPKIT03, allows the technician to follow and locate short and open circuits without removing molding panels and carpet just to expose wires...
4) PowerProbe III

Power Probe III

Nov. 26, 2012
Power Probe’s Power Probe III features an easy-to-read backlit voltmeter for reading voltage at the tip. 42V ready, it has rugged, gold-plated connectors for more secure connections...
3) Power Probe Hook.

The Hook circuit tester

June 11, 2012
The Hook, Power Probe’s latest circuit tester, can now connect to systems from 12V to 48V. Power Probe’s new “Smart Tip Advantage” senses the probe tip condition and selects the...
Battery and Electrical

Power Probe bike featured on Orange County Choppers

Sept. 6, 2011
See the American Chopper team work on the Power Probe bike during the re-airing of the episode "Return of the Black Widow," scheduled for Monday, Sept. 12.